Tech Tip: Measuring Component Stats in your Storinator

Each Tuesday, we release a quick tech tip video that helps give our users information on various topics relating to our Storinator storage servers.
This week, Mitch is showing you the various ways to find and monitor the component stats inside your Storinator. Check it out below!
Be sure to watch next Tuesday, when we give you another 45Drives tech tip.
Hey Everyone, Mitchell here from 45Drives. Welcome back to another weekly tech tip video. This week I’m going to be showing you how to monitor the components inside your Storinator.
Even though Storinators are engineered with high airflow and cooling in mind, due to the nature of high-end components along with sometimes not ideal cooling conditions, we may want to keep an eye on the temperatures in our chassis.
Knowing the temperatures of your components can give you an idea on if there is adequate airflow in your Storinator and also let you know if a component in your Storinator isn’t performing as it should.
Today, I’m going to show you a few different methods you can use to monitor the component temperatures in your system.
One way to check out the temps is through the IPMI.
We have previously made tutorials on how to set up IPMI inside your Storinator if you are unsure how to connect. Once inside the IPMI move your cursor over the server health tab then click on Sensor Readings. This is a great place to start and will give you the temperature readings of things like your CPU, chipset, VRMs, peripheral sensor, and your RAM DIMMS. However, this won’t give you drive temperatures.
To get HDD temps:
There are a few ways to get this data. One of the easier ways is to install the “hdd temp” module if you are running CentOS:
- Type “yum install hddtemp”
- Once installed run the command “hddtemp” to get the temperature of your drives
- Or you can also use the drive letter as an argument in order to find the temperature of a specific drive
You can also install the LSA WebGUI tool to easily check the temps of your LSI card. We have an in-depth guide on how to do this on our knowledge base.
One final thing to note is that each component in your server has different thermal limits. Doing some research on this will allow you to know the ideal operating temperatures of your componentsBe sure to check out our full knowledgebase article on measuring component stats here and to check out our website.