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Customer Testimonials

"The Storinator S45 is rocking away with 3,000 users hitting it tens of thousands of times an hour and it’s not even breathing heavy. We designed it as a fail-over solution, and on Sunday night, we had to fail-over and it worked flawlessly."

Adam Kotter
The Kotter Group

“I’m a huge advocate for 45 Drives and the open storage concept as a whole. I’ve quite often used it to put vendors in their place when they come at me with their overpriced archive storage options.”

John Vaux
Enterprise Infrastructure Architect
Phoenix Children's Hospital

“What gets me excited with this pod, which is basically the cost of three ‘big-name’ servers with hard drives, is I can get the same storage, with infinitely better write performance (even running Windows), so I need to buy less physical storage boxes. Fewer devices is a good thing. Math says that I may need only two pods to replace my multiple converted storage servers.”

Eric Koss
IT Director
Hertford County, North Carolina

"To the folks at 45 Drives,

Our company has recently purchased a Storinator s45 classic from 45 Drives, which we have populated with 30 3TB Western Digital Red series HD’s, for a total storage capacity of 90 TB. We are now seeing backups complete in minutes where it took hours before, and our retention capacity has gone up to 71 days, while completely backing up 33 VM’s, Exchange, and SQL (hourly). The Rocket 750 cards were easily configured to proactively monitor all of the HD’s, with automated notifications as well.

Our old backup solution only gave us a usable 8TB, at an initial cost of over $15,000 dollars, in addition to an annual cost of $2,500 to get support for it.

I can’t say how happy we are with our new Storinator!

In addition, the folks at 45 Drives were extremely helpful throughout my purchasing experience. All of my questions were happily answered, and as a result, I was able to make accurate and productive purchasing decisions that ended up in a backup solution that will last for years for our data storage needs. I would like to commend everyone that I worked with at 45 Drives, and wanted to let you know that you are a true example of what customer service should be."

Thank you.


Jack Swinghamer
Network Administrator
DuraTech Industries

"Your system is a quarter of the competitor's price and does twice the amount of work. On top of that, it takes up a third of the footprint."

Mike Kennedy
Vice President
PowerHouse Recycling, Inc.

"Thank you so much for offering such a superior product at a fraction of the cost. 45 Drives worked effectively and efficiently with our staff to provide a customized unit which was capable of handling our customers’ extensive surveillance hardware needs.

They were extremely accurate with product delivery and estimated arrival time and have supported the unit even when questions became redundant. We truly thank all the staff at 45 Drives for keeping our margins and industry competitive."

Jonathan Constant,
Constant Services, Inc.

"You have an amazing product that adds a lot of value to our organization."

Ryan Encinas
Technology Specialist
Integris Credit Union